Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6-10

Homework for Grades 6th to 8th
      April 6th to April 10th

He Is Risen! He is RISEN indeed!!! It will be good to be back at school after a week off for spring break.  I am sure that many of the students will be tired today.  It will be a busy month.  Just a reminder to all students and parents that we have 38 days or so.  Sometimes students feel that school is done after spring break.  Almost every year the grades for 4th quarter are lower.  What can be done to prevent this from happening?  Stay focused and work hard until the last day.  ISTEPS are at the end of the month.

6S & G Memory

Tuesday…..Where Is This Written?

Friday.....What Is the Benefit....?

6G & S Religion

Monday….Lesson 92 or 93

Tuesday….finishing up Lesson 93….

Wednesday…...Chapel today and 6S has AR today…..

Thursday…..Lesson 94 today….

Friday…...finishing up Lesson 94 today….

English 8S & W

Monday…..starting Chapter 20….Patterns 6 and 7 for question and answer flow…..notes today….assign vocab cards #31 and #32 for homework….start learning the OC jingle…..

Tuesday….practice the OC jingle….review of indefinite pronouns...assign C.P, #56 and do exercises 1-2-3-4….

Wednesday….OC jingle practice….correct C.P. #56….assign vocab cards #33 and #34 for homework….

Thursday….OC jingle practice….review of Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns….if time also review interrogative adjective and pronouns...notes on these….assign C.P. #57 and do exercises 1-6….

Friday….OC Jingle practice….correct the homework….review of P6 and P7 as needed...assign vocab word #35 for homework…..have a great weekend!

English 7W & 7P

Monday…..start learning about writing Letters to the Editor...Civic duty as a citizen…...notes today….assignment is to bring 3 articles for class tomorrow….start thinking of a topic….

Tuesday….use 3 articles to teach parts and format of a Letter….assign Step #1 Prewriting for tonite….

Wednesday….Step #2 start and write your first drafts today...maximum of 250 words…..

Thursday….Step #3 revising of first drafts….remember that you must have a perfect draft in order to mail in to the newspaper….

Friday…..Step #4 editing of papers for content only today….a rubric will be shown of how to evaluate the writing…..possibly start typing at home over the weekend…..

English 6S

Monday….DOL….go over the Ch. 6 and 7 tests from last week…..IO jingle begin learning…..assignment is to redo any bad notecards and make sure all cards are good so far….

Tuesday….DOL...IO jingle practice…..notes on P3 ….sentences with IO … 1 P3 sentence in class together and put in notes….

Wednesday...DOL….IO jingle practice….finish notes as needed….assign 1 P3 sentence for homework….Q and A flow…..

Thursday...DOL….IO jingle practice….quiz next week…..go over homework….notes on poorly written paragraphs with mixed verb tenses….notes from Ref Box 138…..start C.P. #35 in class and finish tomorrow….

Friday….DOL...IO jingle practice...finish the C.P. #35 for Monday….

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 23-27

Homework for Grades 6-8
  March 23 to March 27th

The start of 4th quarter has finally arrived.  The spring sports are off to a good start…..we need some warmer weather.  Report cards will be coming home on Thursday…. It is my prayer that you all have a great spring break and enjoy some time off from a very busy month of March.  God bless you and keep you safe!!

6G and S Memory

Tuesday......Which Are These?....

Friday.....What Is thhe Sacrament of the Altar?

6G and S Religion

Monday….finishing up Lesson 90

Tuesday….Lesson 91

Wednesday….Chapel and A. R. day today

Thursday….finish up 91 and start 92

Friday….try to finish up Lesson 92... ….picking up books and grading them today....

8S and 8W English

Monday….typing our Works Cited today….if already done with this, working on final corrections…

Tuesday-Thursday…..all the typing should be done for the first time….now working on final revisions and retyping as needed…..time will be available again in the mornings and after school...all papers should be done when school is over on Thursday…

Friday….7th and 8th graders going to Wyneken...Doing Hunger for Kids project!

7W and 7P English

Monday….DOL.....PA jingle 20 LVs...C.P. #52...Ex. 1 #1 Q & A flow

Tuesday....DOL.....go over 20 LVs...correct homework....LEARN IT 1-10 for homework

Wednesday....REViewing for the test.....

Thursday.....Chapters 16/18 test on LVs....P4 & P5.... homework.....trip to Wyneken in the morning....

6S English

Monday….DOL...reviewing for the CH. 6/7 test....

Tuesday…..Chapter 6 and 7 test today….

Wednesday......IO jingle practice....notes on P3....teach core Parts....

Thursday….DOL….working on vocab words for 4th quarter do #34-35-36...37...38….

Friday….no work day and enjoy reading your AR books….have a great spring break….no homework over the break!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16-20

Final Week 3rd Qt.
       Homework for Grades 6-8
        March 16th to March 20 th

The wrestlers have had a great season and finished up on Saturday with the open tournament and won the league championship last weekend....Congratulations to Coach Aumick and his wrestlers on another great season...... A big thank you to the students and teachers for this years 2nd and 3rd grade was unbelievably great....a job well God Be the Glory!!!! …..2nd half of ISTEPS will be late April or early May.

6G & S memory

NO memory this week...

6G & S Religion

Monday.....Lesson 89

Tuesday.....finish up Lesson 89 and start 90.... religion....chapel and 6S has AR today.....remember your offerings

Thursday....Lesson 90

Friday....start Lesson 91...picking up books to grade for 1 final time for 3rd quarter

8R & S English

Monday-Friday.....9 days to go until completion of the papers.....typing the final drafts of the main body this week....make sure that your works cited is  ready to type next Monday.....extra typing time available for students who are slow typists or leaving early for vacation next week....mornings.....7:00 until 7:35 in the mornings....after school....Monday...type until 3:45....Wednesday if no faculty meeting until 3:15….plan ahead and make sure to use this extra time if it is needed….no excuses not to finish on time….

7W & P English

Monday….DOL....go over and practice the PrN and PA jingles....20 LVs....correct C.P. if needed active and passive voice...??? of dialogue rules and punctuation...assign. C.P. #47 and do exercise #1 sentence #2 question and answer flow...and exercise #2 do 1-2-3 only.....

Tuesday...DOL....practice jingles ....PrN jingle quiz Thursday or Friday???...correct the homework....notes on P5 C.P. #51 and do sentence #3 Q and A flow for homework...

Wednesday....grade DOL for 3rd quarter....practice jingles...quiz???...correct the homework...fruit basket upset....assign 48 A 1-12 exercise 3...core parts only...groups of 3...for a daily grade....

Thursday.....PrN jingle quiz today....correct 48 A daily grade....assign 48 B exercise 4 only for homework.....

Friday.....7W no class....field trip to Concordia????or no 7P if afternoon.....correct 48 B

6S English

Monday…..DOL….8 Parts of Speech jingle….quiz on Friday???...IO jingle start….finish C.P. #27 started on Friday

Tuesday….DOL….practice the 2 jingles….finish notes….assign ….correct homework from C.P. #27  and assign 1 P2 sentence form C.P. #31 and do sentence #2 for question and answer flow from go to whoa!!!!

Wednesday .....pick up and grade 3rd quarter DOL....practice jingles.....correct the question and answer flow from yesterday….assign C.P. #28 and do exercises 2-3-4 for a daily grade for tomorrow…..

Thursday.....practice jingles...possible quiz tomorrow on 8 Parts of Speech...correct the homework daily grade,,,...assign Ch. 7 Checkup pick a sentence from 1-2-3 and do question and answer flow to prepare for the test next week....

Friday...8 Parts of Speech jingle quiz…correct the homework from the checkup....Monday will be reviewing for the test...Tuesday will be the test for Ch.6 and 7.......ends 3rd quarter….

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9-13

Homework for Grades 6-8
March 9th to March 13th

The students will do the 2nd half of ISTEPS at the end of April and beginning of May.  Wrestlers are finishing up their season....good luck to all the boys and the coaches in their final matches and the end of the year tournament!!!!   Blessings to the students and teachers as they finish preparing for this years 2nd and 3rd grade will be great just like every year!!!! Thank you to the 2nd and 3rd grade teachers for all their hard work and to all who volunteered to help.....This will be my last post for a while. I broke my wrist last week. Please check the planners for homework. Thanks!

6G & S memory

Tuesday....What Sins Should We Confess?....

Friday....What Is the Office of the Keys?....

6G & S Religion

Monday..... Lesson 87

Tuesday.....finish up Lesson 87 or starting Lesson 88 if ready ...picking up books to grade daily work today... religion....chapel and 6S has AR today.....remember your offerings

Thursday....Lesson 88

Friday....starting Lesson 89 if ready...

8R & S English

Monday-Thursday....Students should be finishing up the writing of their first drafts and begin the revising of that draft during the week....students should also write a draft of their works cited so they are ready to type that after typing the main body....redo any sloppy or bad note cards if needed....Some students find them themselves behind .....catch up!!!!

Friday....start typing the final drafts of the cited....outlines will be typed on Friday and the main body starting on Monday.....the operetta presentation will probably wipe out 2nd period.....1 day behind????

7W & P English

Monday….DOL…..Predicate noun and predicate adjective jingles...go over the test from Friday if graded....combining Chapters 16 and 18 on Linking Verbs....Patterns 4 and 5....this will hopefully allow us to work on verbals before the end of the year.....notes on P4 and P5 and use some of the 12 special LVs as examples....

Tuesday...elearning of Discovery Plates due today...make sure it is done!!!....DOL....go over 2 jingles and teach the 12 special LVs today to memorize for the the 8 Be Verbs....more notes....more core parts for Q & A flow and put in note folder....

Wednesday....DOL...go over the two jingles for LVs.....practice the 20 LVs for P4 and P5.....finish notes if needed......assign C.P. #46 and do part today in class and finish Thursday because of church tonight to keep homework Ex. 1 #3 question and answer exercises 2-3-6-7 tomorrow and try to finish if possible.... DOL today....practice jingles and 20 LVs with your groups....finish up the assignment from yesterday on C.P. #46....finish at home if not done.....

Friday....DOL.....practice jingles and 20 LVs.....correct Active and Passive voice if on 4th quarter vocab words to get a head start.....

6S English

Monday....DOL....DO jingle and 8 parts of speech jingle practice.....correct C.P. #30 if not finished up from last on action verbs and verb conjugation and do as many as possible in class together to teach regular and irregular verbs....

Tuesday....DOL.....go over the Sub. Conj. jingle and 8 parts of speech....finish verb chart if needed.....assign C.P. #31 and do Q & A flow for sentence #2 Go to Whoa!!! Elearning from last week vocab words are due today...make sure work is done!!!

Wednesday...DOL....go over the jingles and practice them.... correct the homework....assign 10 verbs to do on a verb chart for homework for tomorrrow....

Thursday...DOL....go over jingles and practice....correct verb chart work....assign C.P. #27 and please do exercises 2-3-4 for homework....remember[.....] around all subordinate clauses on all homework.... jingles......8 parts of speech jingle quiz next week....correct the some verb conjugation practice orally in homework for the weekend!! Enjoy!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

March 2-6

Homework for Grades 6-8
March 2nd to March 6th

ISTEPS start this week starting on Tuesday for most grades.  What an exciting time this is!!!.  The classes should feel very confident and well prepared.  If the students give a good effort on both writing parts of the test, I am confident that they all should do very well.  My 6th grade has had many opportunities in the last few weeks to polish their skills. Wrestlers are preparing for their two big final tournaments....good luck to all the boys and the coaches!!!!

6G & S memory

Tuesday and memory this week due to ISTEP testing.....

6G & S Religion

Monday.....finish up 83 if possible

Tuesday..... Lesson 86... religion....chapel and 6S has AR today.....remember your offerings

Thursday....finishing up Lesson 86 if possible

Friday....starting Lesson 87…..

8R & S English

Monday....Students should have 32 to 35 note cards and quote cards done for today...source cards do not count for the total....these are for the works on your outlines if not yet started....2nd spot check for a grade....some people are writing first drafts already.....If we were to have a snow day and you have your outline done and are confident, you have permission to write your introduction and at least some of Roman numeral II of you outline even if I have not given you an okay yet......

Tuesday-Friday....students will be working each day while they wait to get their notecards and outlines approved...after you are approved, writing the first drafts and start revising.....typing of the papers will begin on Friday, March 13th.....2nd period is Operetta….do not get behind and be ready to type....outlines will be typed on that Friday and the papers will be started on Monday the 16th....

7W & P English DOL today....students will be finishing up Chapter 14 check up and use it as a study guide for their test on either Wednesday or Thursday....

Tuesday...DOL...correcting the chapter for the test.....7W will have the test on Wednesday....7P will be on Thursday due to ISTEPS.....

Wednesday and Thursday.....correct the chapter checkups and review for the test...each class will probably miss one day of class due to as far as I know now the Ch. 14 test will be Friday....

Friday... the Discovery Plates #8-9-10 assigned form the elearning day will be due on Tuesday next week.......Chapter 14 test today due to cancellation on Tuesday

6S English

Monday….DOL....finish notes on subordinating conjunctions and clauses....assign C.P. #25 and do exercises 2-3 for homework...

Tuesday...DOL....DO jingle....correct the homework...assign Ch. 7 Lesson 1 C.P. 29 and do 1 question and answer flow for P2.......

Wednesday....DOL....DO jingle.....go over the homework....assign C.P. #26 and do exercises 2-3-4 for homework.....

Thursday....DOL....DO jingle.....correct C.P. 26....assign C..P. #30 and do number 1 for question and answer flow P2....

Friday...DOL.....DO jingle quiz today.....correct the homework....introduce action verbs and verb tenses and verb conjugation homework....

Monday, February 23, 2015

Feb 23-28

Homework for Grades 6-8
February 23rd to February 27th

ISTEPS start soon! What an exciting time this is!!!.  The 6th, 7th and 8th graders worked on some practice tests this past week to help get them ready for the real tests.  If the students give a good effort on both writing parts of the test, I am confident that they all should do very well.  My 6th grade has had many opportunities in the last few weeks to polish their skills.  You should have received mid-quarter grades this past Friday.  The ISTEP tests for CLS will start next week on March 2nd. We pray for God's blessings as all students will be testing next week! Have a good week!!!!

6G & S memory

Tuesday.....practicing Go, My Children at chapel this morning for tomorrow

Wednesday....singing for Chapel...please come and listen to the 6th graders.... memory test today....a thank you for doing a great job in chapel...

6G & S Religion

Monday….finishing up Lesson 83 if necessary or starting Lesson 86

Tuesday.....Lesson 86

Wednesday....Chapel and 6S has AR today

Thursday....if ready starting Lesson 87 today

Friday.....hopefully be able to finish up Lesson 87 today...

8R & S English

Monday....Students should have 16-18 note cards and quote cards done for today...source cards do not count for the total....these are for the works on cards....1st spotcheck for a grade....

Tuesday-Friday....students will be working each day in class on their note cards for the paper....The second spot check of cards will be on Monday and 33 to 40 cards should be completed...this is note cards and quote cards and not the source cards.  The students should try to get ahead of this if possible to stay ahead of the dates in the syllabus if they are striving for an A.  A second spotcheck will be March 3rd for a grade.  Next week the outlines and the notecards will be checked for final approval before the start of writing the first drafts.

7W & P English

Wow!!! This winter is crazy again....not as bad but still causing problems.....The practice ISTEPS have to get done so....the plan is push them back day by day. The 8th graders are gone for a special event on suggestion is to look at the planners each day to see what the homework is for this week. I will plan something, but changes will probably occur. Please be understanding to our dilemma and for the students, also.

Monday….DOL...Because of the elearning day at home on Thursday of last week, the schedule could become changed due to the practice ISTEP testing. We have to finish the practice tests before starting the real test on March 2nd. Today could end up both 3rd and 6th period being a 2nd practice ISTEP English test.....I will try to keep you updated if and when I find out.

Tuesday....Possibly ISTEPS for English practice tests....or....DOL....practice the IO jingle....quiz possibly Thursday....correct the homework from last week Wednesday depending what not forget to finish the elearning responsibilities....assign the next 3 Discovery Plate for homework.....

Wednesday....maybe the 3rd and final English practice ISTEP????....or.....DOL....IO jingle practice.....assign 43 A and do exercise #3 only....1-10 and do core parts only for Patterns 1-2-3 only.....daily grade tomorrow.....

Thursday....DOL...IO jingle quiz if I feel that they are ready.....correct 43 A for a daily grade....assign 43 B and do exercises 4 and 5 only....also for a daily grade....

Friday.....DOL.....start the 8 parts of speech jingle....correct 43 B for a grade....have students start the Chapter 14 checkup and use as a study guide for test next week if all goes as planned....finish for Monday.....then the test would be on Tuesday if all falls into place....

6S English...please note that some of this will probably change due to the elearning day last week on Thursday.....the practice English ISTEP test of 75 minutes will be Friday I am sure and the 2nd English ISTEP for Friday will probably be what is done during class on Monday during class time. I will try to keep you posted. If this does happen, then all my assignments would change for 1 day or possibly two.....the best solution....look at the planning book each night to see what is the assignment for that day....thanks!!!!

Monday…....DOL.....starting to learn the DO jingle....combining Chapters 6 and 7 so class start Pattern 2 sentences with transitive verbs and direct objects today.....notes on DO.....teach P2 core parts and add steps 3-4-5-6 to identify DO and verb transitive.....some homework will come from both chapters...

Tuesday....DOL.....practice the DO jingle and 2 jingles for the ISTEP....notes today will finish up yesterday and start CX sentences.....dependent and independent clauses.....notes on subordinating conjunctions....assign C.P. #25 and do exercises 2 and 3 only....

Wednesday....DOL....DO jingle and 2 for ISTEPS.....correct the homework....discuss P2 sentences and review notes if needed.....assign from Ch. 7 C.P. #30 doe sentence #1 from exercise 1 question and answer flow from go to whoa!!!!

Thursday...DOL...go over the 3 jingles....correct the homework....assign C.P. #26 and do exercises 2-3-4 for homework......

Friday....DOL go over the DO jingle hard...quiz next Monday....correct the homework.....assign C.P. #31 and do sentence #2 for homework...question and answer flow for P2....

Friday, February 13, 2015

Feb. 16-20

Homework for Grades 6-8
February 16th to February 20th

ISTEPS are just around the corner.  The 6-8th grade classes will be working on practice tests to help them get ready. This is a huge change from past years. They will have 4 or 5 practice tests that will take close to 4 hours of testing.  Eighth graders are off to a pretty good start on term papers, and they will be starting notecards and quote cards this week.  All resources for the paper should have been located by Sunday night.  On the following Monday, the first spotcheck of cards will be done and graded.  Hopefully, we will not miss much more school or delays.  If not, all students should take advantage and get some work done….get ahead of the game!!!!

6G & S memory

Tuesday.....all 4 verses of Go, My Children...sing for chapel next week...

Friday....What Is Confession? reviewing our song

6G & S Religion

Monday.....Both classes will be starting Lesson 77 this week…..this is about Lent, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and The Resurrection for the next weeks of study...

Tuesday….finish up Lesson 77...I will be picking up the books and grading…...

Wednesday....Chapel and 6S has AR today

Thursday....Lesson 83

Friday.....finishing up Lesson 83...

8R & S English

Monday....Students should have all materials needed by Sunday night.....students should be starting their note cards hard and try to get ahead….. I would get notecards done for at least 1 source if you feel confident over the weekend to get ahead....start with a newspaper or magazine article type of source…..

Tuesday-Friday....students will be working each day in class on their note cards for the paper....The first spotcheck of cards will be on Monday and 16 to 18 cards should be completed...this is note cards and quote cards and not the source cards.  The students should try to get ahead of this if possible to stay ahead of the dates in the syllabus if they are striving for an A.

7W & P English

Monday....DOL....go over the transition, subordinating conjunction and IO jingles…Assign C.P. #41 and do exercises 1-3for tomorrow…..

Tuesday….DOL….transition, subordinating conjunction, and IO jingles….correct C.P. #41….assign C.P. #42 and do 1 P3 sentence from exercise 1…

Wednesday…..DOL….go over the three jingles for this week….finish the rest of C.P. #32 and do exercises 2-3-4for tomorrow….

Thursday....7P no regular class...doing a practice ISTEP English test today… DOL today….7 W go over the jingles quickly…..correct C.P. #42...start working on next 3 Discovery Plates for Monday

Friday....7W no class of English and will be doing another ISTEP English test today for practice....7P will do what 7W did on Thursday....same assignment only due for Tuesday...

6S English

Monday...Step #4 editing and final corrections 2nd day of this for writing assignment on Presidents….7 or 8 paragraph expository help prepare for the ISTEP….

Tuesday and Wednesday…..Step #5 typing of the final drafts....turn in on Thursday

Thursday….Practice ISTEP test today during class....

Friday.....another day of practice ISTEP tests during class

Friday, February 6, 2015

Feb. 9-13

Homework for Grades 6-8
February 9th to February 13th

ISTEPS are coming soon in March.  With all of these snow days, the students are out of sync.  The last test by the 7th graders show that it has impacted the learning.  The 7th grade classes will be working on practice tests to help them get ready. Mr. Creutz and the faculty discussed the possibility of having elearning days. As of right now, that is the plan and will happen starting this week if bad weather occurs again. Please refer to an email to get the required work if an elearning day goes into effect for CLS!!!!   Have a great week!

6G & S memory

Tuesday....Go, My Children....verses 1 and 2 for today.....Mrs. Cathy Werling has graciously agreed and volunteered to play the piano for us. We are scheduled to sing for chapel on February 25th....mark your calendars.

Friday.... test today is verses 1-2-3 of our song....

6G & S Religion

Monday.....the classes still remain apart due to 2 hour delays….6G can hopefully finish up Lesson 32 if needed and 6S should be ready to start Lesson 33….

Tuesday....continuing where they are….6G hopefully start Lesson 33 and 6S finishing up Lesson 33 or start Lesson 34 if ready... religion classes....Chapel and 6S has AR today.....

Thursday...working to get classes back together…..Lessons 33? and 34???

Friday.....Lessons 34 if ready and Lesson 35 hopefully today

8R & S English

A permission slip was sent home 1 and a half weeks ago in preparation for our trip to the Allen County Library to research information for our research papers....please sign and return...thanks!!!  I do not have all of them as of Friday.  It is due today....Monday the 9th.

Monday....research papers continue today....going over information with a complete syllabus of dates and expectations....overview....look at packets and answer questions....pick a topic.  I gave the Chapter 14 test to be done as homework.  I handed this out last Friday….this is due for tomorrow and will count as a daily grade.

Tuesday....teach how to narrow a topic....teach source cards and how to write them....start teaching quote cards....teach notecards

Wednesday.....going to the library and learning the process of how to research and begin finding materials.....students can go back starting tonight to finish up....please go with a parent or in groups of 3 or 4 classmates.....must have all materials by Sunday.

Thursday.....practice doing source card, quote card and notecards today from a newspaper article......teach to read and hilite information to be used....make 3 to 6 cards and have at least 1 quote card for tomorrow

Friday.....looking at old papers and cards and checking homework to be certain how cards are to be done......finish getting all sources that will be used.....start cards over the weekend and on Monday if no school.

7W & P English
Monday…..finish up the ISTEP ….55 minutes total of writing time….parents, could you please at least read the prompt and the writing and then please sign it for me…..comments are welcomed….bring in tomorrow….

Tuesday….going over tests and sharing strengths and weaknesses…..doing more practice later…

Wednesday....DOL....go over the Chapter 8 and 12 test.....Start Chapter 14....IO jingle start today....notes on P3....teach core parts of jingles for ISTEP....IO jingle....teach transitive and core parts of P1 P2 P3 sentences....assign Discovery Plate #???? jingles....assign C.P. #31 and do 1 P3 sentence and exercises 3 and 4

6S English

Monday....Last Wednesday and Friday if labs were abailable...used the computer lab to allow students to find information needed to write a quality 7 or 8 paragraph essay on the president that they have.....print and hi-lite information that will be used on the prewriting by Monday…...finish looking for information at home over the weekend if needed and finish your ready for Step #1 on Monday.......Step #1 prewriting for President’s 7 or 8 paragraph essay

Tuesday and Wednesday.....Step #2 writing the first drafts....

Thursday.....Step #3...revising of first drafts....

Friday....Step #4....peer editing and final corrections.....

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Feb 2-6

Homework for Grades 6-8
February 2nd to February 6th

 National Lutheran Schools Week was sure fun for the kids. Too bad that we had the ice day and cancellation.  Now we begin the month of February and begin thinking about our ISTEP tests with our students.  Good luck and blessings to our ISSMA band students this weekend!!!!  Mid-quarters are just around the corner…..obviously some classes do not have many grades due to all of the weather problems.  If your child did not pass ISTEPS in Language Arts last year, we will be working hard on writing the month of February with the 6th and 7th graders.  The 8th graders are gearing up for the research papers starting this Friday.....going to the library next week.....

6G & S memory

Tuesday....Go, My Children verses 1

Friday....Go, My Children….verses 1 and 2

6G & S Religion

Monday.... working on Lesson 32 possibly or starting Lesson 33 yet...

Tuesday.... Lesson 33 religion classes....Chapel and 6S has AR today.....

Thursday....hopefully start Lesson 34 today if ready….

Friday.....finishing up Lesson 34 today if possible

8R & S English

A permission slip will be sent home today in preparation for our trip to the Allen County Library to research information for our research papers....please sign and return...thanks!!!

Monday....correct  C.P. #42today....IO jingle practice...quiz active and passive voice more if needed with notes.....assign C.P. #43 A...start in class...finish at home...

Tuesday....correct yesterday’s homework.... using C.P. 43 Part B as a review for Thursday’s test and 43 A Exercise 3 as a review for the question and answer flow part of tomorrow’s test….Ch. 14 test on Thursday...

Wednesday....Chapter 14 test tomorrow…..Pattern 3 sentences….active and passive voice….and rewrite a paragraph with mixed verb tenses and rewrite it into either all present or past tense verbs...I know that this is a quick chapter…...However, the students have done P3 since the 3rd grade….I have done active and passive all 3 years since the 6th grade…..We also have rewritten mixed verb tenses all 3 years…..This test should be pretty easy if your child is ready for high school….Friday research papers begin.....):

Friday.....Students syllabus of dates and expectations and packet to use to do the paper is being handed out today if students bring a folder just for term papers with them…..must have 3 prongs to hold the handout...3 hole punched….walking through the packet today and tomorrow….focusing on the changes to MLA formats made for citation and documentation….then going through the whole packet….should know topic choices by Monday...permission slips to go to the library due on February 9th not go with us.

7W & P English

Monday.....Ch. 8 and 12 test today....

Tuesday....ISTEP preparation for the writing part of the test.....notes and review of prewriting actual ISTEP practice writing test.....start in class and finish at home.....25 or 30 minutes to finish.....parents please read the test and sign for me....I will give the next practice writing test a grade to show the importance of this practice and preparation.

Thursday....going over the practice test in class....reading and sharing strengths and weaknesses of work done on this practice test....

Friday.....DOL....going over Ch. 8 and 12 test from Monday.....start Ch. 14 on Pattern 3 sentences.....IO jingle practice....notes on P3 for question and answer flow....emphasis is on core 1 P3 homework

6S English

Monday…..going over and finish discussing last weeks ISTEP practice writing test....have a list of 5 possible presidents to write on next assignment.....vocab cards due this week!

Tuesday….6S and 6G will meet together...overview of expectations for this major writing assignment....each students has their own president....7/8 paragraph informative essay.....a packet will be given to each student to help in organization of writing.....a rubric will be shared....notes today and answer questions....can start looking for information tonight at home if they want to start early...

Wednesday and Thursday....2 days of research for information to what will possibly be used for writing....

Friday...Step #1 Prewriting today.....7 or 8 square.....bullets for supporting details with main ideas for each paragraph of the body.....